Root Cause Analysis

Bye Bye to Five Whys?!



Do you ever wonder why people are not doing what you expect? How do you figure out what went wrong and what constraints are getting in the way of everything working as it should? You may have heard that you need to ask the right question, or even about the Five Whys. But if you have used the Five Whys before, have you noticed that you are not confident in the results?

DIGR-ACT® Critical Thinking Focuses on Addressing the Right Issue or Risk at the Right Level – Part 7



What does ‘T’ stand for?

Everyone talks about learning from when things go wrong. People say it's the best way to learn, but it's not always easy. The DIGR-ACT® solution gives you a way. By taking you through the issue to the root cause, actions and then making sure the actions work, you have learned from the issue. Maybe your learning can be transferred to others? Perhaps the same problem happens to other people too?

DIGR-ACT® Critical Thinking Focuses on Addressing the Right Issue or Risk at the Right Level – Part 6



What does ‘C’ stand for?

Do you care whether the actions you took to try to stop an issue from recurring were completed? Does it matter if they actually worked? Of course! Deciding on actions is only part way to fixing a problem. We need to complete the actions and make sure they were effective. That's why there is the ‘C’ step in the DIGR-ACT® solution, where C stands for ‘Check’.

What Root Cause Analysis Tools are Effective?



SAM Sather and Keith Dorricott co-authored an article published in Clinical Leader entitled, “Clinical Trial Root Cause Analysis: Can't We Do Better Than Five Whys?” If you have experience with Good Clinical Practice (GCP), you may know that ICH E6(R2) now requires sponsors to conduct a root cause analysis (RCA) and implement appropriate corrective and preventive actions (CAPA) for noncompliance “that significantly affects or has the potential to significantly affect human subject protection or reliability of trial results.”