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Our article “CRO Oversight Essentials” was recently published in Clinical Leader. Following are some key points.
Oversight does not mean micromanagement. A CRO is contracted for its specific capabilities. It is important to allow the CRO to do whatever it does best and not to overcontrol how they implement. This is different from careful, close management that may be necessary with a new CRO, one that has had issues before, or one that has expanded their services. Completing a task in a different manner does not necessarily mean it is wrong. If CROs can use their expertise, it may improve outcomes, reduce cost, and reduce workload for the sponsor, which is the goal of outsourcing. A good oversight plan includes establishing clear roles and responsibilities. Also, a good communication plan supports the efforts of the CRO while keeping the sponsor informed on the progress, or it can provide an early signal of a potential risk. A successful partnership is an effective two-way supportive relationship where all parties are vested in success.
Read the full article HERE.
Interested in CRO and Vendor Oversight training? We offer live Masterclass and eLearning options!
eLearning is available for individual course purchase (HERE),
off-the-shelf eLearning in our LMS,
full SCORM package delivery compatible with your LMS, or
fully customizable to your branding in ours or your LMS.
We can also develop an entire curriculum to meet your organization’s training needs.
Email us at info@clinicalpathwaysresearch.com for more information or to schedule a live session for your team.
- The Clinical Pathways Team
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