Date: February 23, 2017
Live Webinar Time: 3 pm London / 10 am New YorkDuration: 60 Minutes - Online
The new reality of our industry reveals the need for implementing further initiatives to improve trial oversight and enable a better experience for all stakeholders. In this webinar Sandra “SAM” Sather, VP, Clinical Pathways, Regulatory & Quality lead for eConsent, CRF HealthTrialConsent, Lauri Carlile, Executive Director, Chesapeake IRB, and Jeff Wendel, President and CEO, Chesapeake IRB will discuss how eConsent improves investigator, sponsor and IRB oversight for informed consent and decreases risks.
This session will focus on:
- Identify the benefits of using eConsent to better oversee informed consent in clinical trials
- Realize what features of eConsent can contribute to improved informed consent oversight.
- Recognize and seize the opportunity to decrease risk related to subject enrolment and retention, as well as decreased risk of regulatory non-compliance
- Discuss the importance of collaboration between the ethics committees, sponsors, and sites related to eConsent implementation and monitoring.
For more information, contact SAM at samsather@clinicalpathwaysresearch.com.
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-The Clinical Pathway's Team