What does ‘G’ stand for?
W. Edwards Deming said, "If you can't describe what you're doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing!" Many people don't naturally think of work as a process but thinking of it that way can help you uncover what might be an earlier cause of something going wrong. Maybe your normal process for grocery shopping is to write a shopping list and take it with you to the grocery store to make sure you get all the items. But today, you get home and realize you are missing several items you needed. As you think through the process steps, you realize you had written on the other side of the list and had forgotten to take a look at the store.
Going step-by-step through the process led you to a possible cause that you could investigate further. This is why ‘Go step-by-step’ is part of the DIGR-ACT® solution - the 3rd step.