
Is it Really Consent? Considerations in Consenting COVID-19 Patients to Clinical Trials



During the pandemic, it has become evident that we must continue to consent COVID-19 patients into clinical trials as we work to discover treatment options and better understand other aspects of the disease. Because of isolation restrictions, it is more cumbersome for all involved to conduct the informed consent process as we are accustomed. The investigator or delegate is likely not permitted into the isolation room to discuss the aspects of the trial with the potential subject. This leads to barriers to their ability to see important facial features communicated during a conversation.

GDPR and Clinical Trials Amid COVID-19



The World Health Organization (WHO) is recommending using telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. To keep subjects and site personnel safe, many sites have transitioned to using telehealth for study visits. What about safeguarding data and privacy? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has some stringent rules for collecting or processing data which includes during the conduct of a clinical trial.

NEW UPDATE to Appendix FAQ: FDA’s COVID-19 Clinical Trial Guidance on May 11th



As clinical research professionals proceed to work around COVID-19 restrictions while maintaining GCP, questions continue to arise. On May 11th, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released an updated Q&A section of their COVID-19 clinical trial guidance with three additional questions and answers included.

Some questions of note from the last two updates are: