risk based monitoring

MHRA Updates EHR Remote Access Monitoring Guidance



The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) of the United Kingdom (UK) updated their guidance document, “Access to Electronic Health Records (EHR) by Sponsor representatives in clinical trials” in September 2021. Originally released in November 2020, it did not provide adequate guidance on direct remote access of EHR. Other relevant guidance only included small sections on remote monitoring, including the March 2020 guidance describing best practices for managing clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic and the November 2020 guidance describing how to minimize disruptions in the conduction and integrity of clinical trials amid the ongoing pandemic.

RBQM Community Discussion Outcomes from MCC vSummit 2020



Sandra “SAM” Sather lead a community discussion at Metrics Champion Consortium’s (MCC) vSummit 2020 on “The Risk-Based Monitoring Training Gap,” related to her prerecorded session on “The RBM Training Gap: Risk-Based Monitoring the Noun vs. the Verb.” The conversation was informative as to where different organizations lie on the spectrum of implementing risk-based quality management (RBQM), with attendees from large sponsors explaining that they may have policies that require them to implement 100% source data verification (SDV) regardless of risk assessment for pre-phase III trials and attendees from small to mid-sized organizations commenting that they understand the need for risk-based monitoring plans but sometimes meet challenges cross functionally.

Safeguarding Study Participant Data while Remote Monitoring



During the current COVID-19 pandemic, it has become necessary for sponsors of clinical trials to rely on remote methods to access electronic health records and electronic source data. With risk-based monitoring becoming more common, and with sponsor/CRO monitors reviewing electronic source data remotely, many questions have arisen regarding what security measures need to be in place to ensure the protection of study participants’ data. Here is one such question.

Redacting Source Data in Remote Monitoring: Common Myths



Myth: Source data needs to be redacted before it can be reviewed by a monitor for remote monitoring.

Answer: The question is, why would you redact when the patient gave authorization to use and disclose the information for the purposes laid out in the authorization and consent? Remote review is not “collecting” data; it is “reviewing” data. Also, redacting is super laborious, manual, and prone to errors.

Sandra “SAM” Sather at WCG/MCC Summit Sept. 4-5



What: WCG Metrics Champion Consortium (MCC) Summit

Topic: Clinical Trials Risk and Performance Management Summit Agenda

When: September 4 and 5, 2019

Where: The Loews Philadelphia Hotel; Philadelphia, PA

Book the hotel here and ask for the FDAnews rate

Registration is available here.