
DIGR-ACT® Critical Thinking Focuses on Addressing the Right Issue or Risk at the Right Level – Part 5



What does ‘A’ stand for?

Don't waste time on root cause analysis, at least not if you won’t use the results! Proper root cause analysis takes effort and resources, and you need to use the output to determine actions to try to stop the issue recurring. This is the ‘A’ step of the DIGR-ACT® solution. Having dug into the issue, you now need to ‘Act’ on what you found.

DIGR-ACT® Critical Thinking Focuses on Addressing the Right Issue or Risk at the Right Level – Part 4



What does ‘R’ stand for?

We're all in a rush, and we want to fix issues quickly. But often, by assuming too much, we might reach the wrong conclusion. The cause that we used root cause analysis tools to discover is actually incorrect. Once we have the (wrong) cause(s), we may rush off and take action to fix it. But if it's the wrong cause, it is wasted effort and you rushed - only to go slow. Like if your taxi doesn't show, you might decide never to use that company again because they are unreliable - when the real problem was that you gave them the wrong pick-up address.

DIGR-ACT® Critical Thinking Focuses on Addressing the Right Issue or Risk at the Right Level – Part 3



What does ‘G’ stand for?

W. Edwards Deming said, "If you can't describe what you're doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing!" Many people don't naturally think of work as a process but thinking of it that way can help you uncover what might be an earlier cause of something going wrong. Maybe your normal process for grocery shopping is to write a shopping list and take it with you to the grocery store to make sure you get all the items. But today, you get home and realize you are missing several items you needed. As you think through the process steps, you realize you had written on the other side of the list and had forgotten to take a look at the store.

Going step-by-step through the process led you to a possible cause that you could investigate further. This is why ‘Go step-by-step’ is part of the DIGR-ACT® solution - the 3rd step.

DIGR-ACT® Critical Thinking Focuses on Addressing the Right Issue or Risk at the Right Level – Part 2



You have probably heard of the Five Whys approach to getting to root cause. ‘Why’ is a good question to ask - but not until you've dug around for more information first. After all, you are soon to find additional questions, such as: When did the problem start? - and - Where exactly is the problem? The ‘I’ step in the DIGR-ACT® solution helps through ‘Is - Is Not’ questions. They can help lead you to define the issue better but may also point you in the direction of the root causes.