
Bye Bye to Five Whys?!



Do you ever wonder why people are not doing what you expect? How do you figure out what went wrong and what constraints are getting in the way of everything working as it should? You may have heard that you need to ask the right question, or even about the Five Whys. But if you have used the Five Whys before, have you noticed that you are not confident in the results?

Comment Now! Patient Focused Drug Development COA Draft Guidance



The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a draft guidance “Patient-Focused Drug Development: Selecting, Developing, or Modifying Fit-for-Purpose Clinical Outcome Assessments” June 2022. The focus of the draft guidance is on selecting, modifying, developing, and validating clinical outcome assessments (COA), such as patient reported outcome (PRO), that are meaningful to patients, with an emphasis on methods to ensure high quality measures are utilized.

MHRA Updates EHR Remote Access Monitoring Guidance



The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) of the United Kingdom (UK) updated their guidance document, “Access to Electronic Health Records (EHR) by Sponsor representatives in clinical trials” in September 2021. Originally released in November 2020, it did not provide adequate guidance on direct remote access of EHR. Other relevant guidance only included small sections on remote monitoring, including the March 2020 guidance describing best practices for managing clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic and the November 2020 guidance describing how to minimize disruptions in the conduction and integrity of clinical trials amid the ongoing pandemic.

Now Available for Purchase: GDPR and Clinical Trials eLearning



Why Take a Course in The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are increasingly global by nature. The GDPR may apply to your clinical trial if conducted in a country within the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom (UK). The GDPR data protections are broad in nature but it makes it clear that protection of personal data includes data created during the course of a clinical trial. Understanding the role your organization plays, which data are personal, and what constitutes a valid consent under GDPR requirements is key to compliance. This course highlights how HIPAA differs from GDPR, including reporting of data breach and notice requirements.

MCC Centralized & Site Monitoring Process Metrics Work Group April 16th



Metrics Champion Consortium (MCC) launched the work group last October as an opportunity for MCC member organizations to discuss how risk-based quality management is transforming process metrics for monitoring. The work group is considering the impacts that centralized, targeted, and remote monitoring have on process metrics, which have traditionally been based on onsite monitoring.