
Comment Now! FDA Releases Combination Product Draft Guidance



The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a draft guidance “Requesting FDA Feedback on Combination Products” for comment. Combination products are made of a combination of two or more components that are drug, biologic, and/or device. They can be 1) components of one entity, 2) packaged together (such as a kit), or 3) packaged separately but intended to be used together. The purpose of the draft guidance is to clarify how the combination product sponsor can request feedback on regulatory questions and to describe best practices for communication with the FDA.

EMA and MHRA Preparing for No Deal Brexit



Now that Brexit has been delayed, there is still no guarantee of a deal. The extension will be until April 12 if the withdrawal agreement is not approved by the UK House of Commons by March 29, and until May 22 if it is. During this time, the UK will continue to be a Member State in the EU. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) are preparing for the possibility of a no deal Brexit.