Clinical Trial Risk & Performance Management vSummit Sept. 28th - 30th



What: 4th Annual WCG MCC Clinical Trial Risk & Performance Management Collaborative vSummit

Sponsored by: Metrics Champion Consortium (MCC), a division of WCG

When: September 28th – 30th, 2021

Where: Virtual Summit (vSummit) is online

Register: HERE

Clinical Pathways is presenting and leading discussion groups on two topics:

1) Oversight of Monitoring – Are site issues mitigated? The day in the life of a site QMS and the gap in monitoring.

When: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 from 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Facilitators: Charles Sather, BSN, CCRA and Sandra "Sam" Sather, MS, BSN, CCRA, CCRC

2) RBQM Maturity Model – How to manage critical implementation components when they are maturing at a different pace? Small to large sponsor/CRO, implementation adaptability.

When: Thursday, September 30, 2021 from 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Facilitator: Sandra "Sam" Sather, MS, BSN, CCRA, CCRC CCRC

Is Your Study High Quality? Investigator Warning Letter Issued



During the pandemic, onsite FDA inspections were temporarily suspended starting in March 2020 and restarted late summer. Our blog “FDA Resumes Domestic Inspections” describes the risk-based approach to remote assessments during that time period. This in part explains the long interval since the last warning letter. The first new warning letter after inspections resumed was issued to an investigator.