RBQM Community Discussion Outcomes from MCC vSummit 2020



Sandra “SAM” Sather lead a community discussion at Metrics Champion Consortium’s (MCC) vSummit 2020 on “The Risk-Based Monitoring Training Gap,” related to her prerecorded session on “The RBM Training Gap: Risk-Based Monitoring the Noun vs. the Verb.” The conversation was informative as to where different organizations lie on the spectrum of implementing risk-based quality management (RBQM), with attendees from large sponsors explaining that they may have policies that require them to implement 100% source data verification (SDV) regardless of risk assessment for pre-phase III trials and attendees from small to mid-sized organizations commenting that they understand the need for risk-based monitoring plans but sometimes meet challenges cross functionally.

MCC Centralized & Site Monitoring Process Metrics Work Group April 16th



Metrics Champion Consortium (MCC) launched the work group last October as an opportunity for MCC member organizations to discuss how risk-based quality management is transforming process metrics for monitoring. The work group is considering the impacts that centralized, targeted, and remote monitoring have on process metrics, which have traditionally been based on onsite monitoring.