Webinar Recording: A Case for Sponsor Monitoring Remote Access to a Site’s EMR! Now Available for Purchase



Over time, the clinical trial industry has figured out how to coordinate onsite monitoring of a study patient’s electronic health record. This can be through certified copies (very laborious for sites) or increasingly often by providing temporary secure access to source documentation for a particular trial.

Purchase the recorded webinar here. Access to the recording is available for 10 days after purchase.

Live Webinar: A Case for Sponsor Monitoring Remote Access to a Site’s EMR!



Join this live, interactive webinar with guest presenters from the Duke Office of Clinical Research within the School of Medicine for ‘A Case for Sponsor Monitoring Remote Access to EMRs.’ This session presents how a successful program was implemented prior to COVID-19 and then leveraged during COVID-19 to support sponsor remote review of EMRs while maintaining control and security of the subjects’ data and maintaining subjects’ privacy based on the HIPAA authorization. Learn about a case example of a successful program implementation that avoids site burden and maintains attributability to records. Explore opportunities for sites and sponsors to find similar solutions. The webinar concludes with a question and answer session.

Hiring New Clinical Researchers



In life, the purchase of a new car, or house, invokes feelings of excitement, potential value and sustainability.  Being new is positive thing, with infinite possibility.     

Whereas, in the clinical research industry, a new/inexperienced employee may invoke feelings of unease, and the investment of critical time and resources without prospective return. Wonderful possibility is not anticipated, rather, ability is questioned. This doubt forces the choice of experience over potential, on what is comfortable/predictable (such as the requisite two years of CRA experience for an entry level CRA position) over the unknown.

Exciting Announcement! “The CRC’s Guide to Coordinating Clinical Research, Fourth Edition” to be Released Soon



We are excited to announce Sandra “SAM” Sather’s most recent contribution to CenterWatch, “The CRC’s Guide to Coordinating Clinical Research, Fourth Edition,” will soon be released. The guidebook engages the learner by providing relevant information backed with regulatory sources, frequently asked Q&A, case studies, tools like logs and checklists, and sample forms and SOPs.