Onsite Monitoring Needed After Remote Monitoring? FDA Updates COVID-19 Clinical Trial Guidance



The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released an updated guidance, “Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency”. As clinical research professionals navigate the long haul new normal, many are wondering if the remote monitoring that occurred during the pandemic shutdowns was adequate to meet regulatory requirements. The FDA continued to update the guidance as new questions arose. The new question added to the Questions and Answers section of the guidance is:

How Do You Monitor Sites that Will Not Upload Source to Secure Repositories While Remote Monitoring? – Part 2



With no end to site restrictions in sight, sponsor/CRO monitors continue to look for guidance on best practices and logistics for remote monitoring during the pandemic. Our Clinical Leader article “Remote Monitoring In The Wake Of COVID-19 — Practical & Regulatory Considerations” has inspired related questions. Here is a sample of a recent one.

Question: Many sites now use eReg vendors such as Veeva, Florence, RealTime, etc. as a source document depository database for monitors to review and leave source questions within. This allows the monitors to conduct the SDV on certified source remotely.

Part 1 of the blog covered important details about sticky notes being used in monitoring. If you missed it, read more HERE.

What to Do with Unused IP Shipped to Subjects at Home? UPDATE to FDA’s COVID-19 Clinical Trial Guidance on Dec. 4th



The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released an updated COVID-19 clinical trial guidance with clarification on what to do with unused investigational product (IP) shipped to study participants’ homes, a more common occurrence during stay at home orders and quarantines during the pandemic. The new question with answer makes it clear that regulations for IP accountability still need to be followed, but that alternative methods to traditional disposition can be considered.

Should We Treat the Safety Review of COVID-19 Study Participants Differently? UPDATE to FDA’s COVID-19 Clinical Trial Guidance on September 21st



As sponsor or CRO monitors are continuing to monitor clinical trial sites remotely for the foreseeable future, additional clarification is needed for how to proceed while protecting subject safety and data integrity. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released an updated COVID-19 clinical trial guidance with clarification on the requirements for the investigator to review IND safety reports. The question and answer guidance shows how we must be very careful to not decrease the safety protection checks and balances we have in GCP between stakeholders.

Is it Really Consent? Considerations in Consenting COVID-19 Patients to Clinical Trials



During the pandemic, it has become evident that we must continue to consent COVID-19 patients into clinical trials as we work to discover treatment options and better understand other aspects of the disease. Because of isolation restrictions, it is more cumbersome for all involved to conduct the informed consent process as we are accustomed. The investigator or delegate is likely not permitted into the isolation room to discuss the aspects of the trial with the potential subject. This leads to barriers to their ability to see important facial features communicated during a conversation.